5 Potential Reinforcements For Manchester United in January

Steven N’Zonzi Manchester United

Manchester City may be 8 points clear at the top of the table, but the Premier League title race is far from over. We haven’t even reached the halfway mark of the season, and there are a lot of points to be played for. For City’s closest rivals Manchester United to keep up with them, they must reinforce their current squad depth which is key to title challenges, and despite spending £147.96million (via TransferMarkt) in the summer, Manchester United are still in need of new players in January.

Here are 5 potential reinforcements for Manchester United in January.

4Kevin Strootman

Kevin Strootman

The Dutchman has had a stop-start few years in Italy. Once billed as the best young midfielder in Europe, Kevin Strootman’s reputation has taken a knock with his subsequent injuries. The 27-year-old is confident at spreading play across the pitch, shielding the back four and initiating counter attacks.

At the moment, Manchester United solely rely on Paul Pogba for creativity from the midfield, but since the Frenchman got injured, they’ve struggled to penetrate teams. Kevin Strootman would fill that void, helping United sustain their fading title challenge.