Three Players Manchester United Need to Sell This Summer

Manchester United defender Chris Smalling

After losing 2-1 in the UEFA Super Cup, it’s clearer than ever that Manchester United still have a long way to go before they reach their former glories. This summer José Mourinho has spent quite a lot on new signings, but it’s the deadwood in the squad that he must now focus on.

There are certain players currently in the United squad that wouldn’t even make the rosters of Watford or West Ham. If United are to return to the pinnacle of English football, they must first clear out the average players in their squad.

Here are 3 players Manchester United need to sell.

2Marouane Fellaini


I don’t know what it is about Marouane Fellaini that José Mourinho so deeply loves, but the Belgian is nowhere near the calibre of player that should be at Manchester United. All the Belgian excels at is being a target, besides that he contributes nothing noticeable to general play.

Now that Romelu Lukaku is a United player, Fellaini’s role of being a target man in the dying minutes is no longer needed at Old Trafford. Instead, United can fill that precious midfield spot with a creative midfielder that they so desperately need.

Marouane’s time at United has been spent mostly in controversy, if he’s not giving the ball away he’s getting sent off unnecessarily. It’s best for both parties if this nightmare run just comes to an end now rather than later.